Just one Purge to go

With the completion of Floating and Dreaming and America Flags only Purge remains before the album is completely recorded and mixed. I may change the track order—New World Redux now opens the set—but realistically this matters a lot less in an era of iTunes Store music singles. Regardless, you can see the current track list in the One Man Garage Band section of the website.

I’ll be meeting with my graphic designer to discuss album cover ideas (I have several) in the next few days. After that, we’ll be moving things to the distributor and sending out a one-time-only email to family and friends regarding the album’s availability. Stay tuned, we’re getting close now.

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End of February Status Update

Finished up the lyrics to Floating and Dreaming this afternoon. Time permitting, vocals get laid down this weekend. More work still needed on Purge and America Flags, so looks like a mid-March wrap date. Don’t worry: I won’t be quiet when this thing is finally available.

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Status update

Progress on One Man Garage Band. We’re down to the final mixing, and, although Purge and America Flags are proving difficult, we’re aiming to the album out to online distribution by the end of the month.

Additionally, we’ve redesigned www.TyDavison.com using WordPress 2.7.1 in hopes of providing fans with an accessible means of learning about Ty’s music. The site includes this blog, a biography, merchandise for sale, and—most importantly—information about the music. 

Now back to mixing….

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